
Are you choosing the best mattress? Exploring the Comparison between Sleepwell Pro Nexa Foam vs Memory Foam

Posted on: 02 Jul 2024

Among the different types of mattresses that you can find in the market, memory foam is very popular. There are many types of foam mattresses that you can find in the shop, but memory foam mattresses have many benefits that make them one of the best for support and comfort. However, with time, sleep technology has evolved, and this has made it possible for us to come up with better mattress foam than memory foam. 

Among the foam types for mattresses that we use, we also categorise Pro Nexa foam, which is excellent because of its flexibility and beneficial features. Here is a comparison of memory foam and Pro Nexa foam to find which foam is best for mattresses. This article will help you find the best foam mattress for your sleeping needs. 


Best Sleepwell Mattress

Pros of memory foam mattresses 

Here are the benefits of memory foam mattresses that you can take into account when picking the mattress for your bed. 


Body contouring 

A memory foam mattress has the benefit of adapting to your body shape and weight. The mattress adapts to your sleeping positions and movements so you can sleep comfortably in any condition. Because of the adaptability of memory foam mattresses, you can get pressure relief at different pressure points and joints. The bed mattress contouring helps you sleep comfortably and reduces pain in your body. 

The support the memory foam mattress gives also supports the spine and corrects your spinal alignment so you can sleep properly. The correct spinal posture during sleep reduces soreness and cramps in the back.


Motion isolation 

A memory foam mattress offers motion isolation and zero disturbance to the person sleeping next to you. A memory foam mattress is a highly dense foam mattress that absorbs the movement of the body, allowing minimal transfer of motion from one section to the other section of the bed. 

Therefore, the mattress made out of memory foam will help you sleep undisturbed and peacefully. This is also the best option for couples who have different sleeping patterns and movements. 



The durability of the memory foam mattress is what makes it very useful. A memory foam mattress is very durable, and it has a high lifespan. The mattress can be very useful for years, and it can help maintain your bed properly. 

A memory foam mattress is more durable than a traditional spring mattress. You can choose the memory foam mattress if you want to create a stable bed to sleep on every night. 

Cons of memory foam mattress 

There are many drawbacks of memory foam mattresses that you might find when looking for a good bed mattress. Here are some of the drawbacks that we noticed when we studied memory foam mattresses. If you are going to buy an affordable foam mattress in the memory foam category, you might have to compromise on these drawbacks. 


Heat retention

The generic memory foam mattresses might never be able to go for proper heat regulation and temperature regulation. The memory foam mattress might retain a lot of heat and humidity because of its highly dense structure. When you sleep on a memory foam mattress during the day, you might not be able to sleep properly because the surface is very hot and sweaty. 

You will feel very uncomfortable when sleeping on a memory foam mattress at night, too, because the mattress will give off the heat it absorbs during the day. If you want a cool and breathable mattress, it is best to choose something other than a simple memory foam mattress. 


The initial odour

Ordinary foam is treated to be made into a memory foam mattress. A memory foam mattress might be smelling at first because of the chemicals that are put into creating the memory foam. It emits gases to a great extent once it is unpacked. The initial odour of the mattress can be very off-putting for you. 

The toxicity of the initial unpacking can be harmful to you, too. At first, you will not be able to use it till the toxic fumes go away. To use a mattress right away, you should opt for a mattress that is completely safe and easy to set up. 


Poor edge support 

A memory foam mattress can be difficult to use for families and senior citizens because it does not have poor edge support. The memory foam mattress can be soft on the edges, which gives you a feeling of falling. 

Due to the lack of edge support, a senior citizen or a child will face difficulty in getting out of bed. If you are looking for a good mattress that supports an ageing person, then do not go for a memory foam mattress. 


Pros of Pro Nexa Foam 

The Pro Nexa foam is a type of foam that is used with our Pro Nexa collection of mattresses. Our Pro Nexa collection is the best luxurious mattress collection that we have to offer our users. Pro Nexa foam is specifically crafted to provide excellent support and comfort to the sleeper. 

You can find the Pro Nexa foam in our Pro Nexa classic mattress, our Nexa Luxury mattress and Nexa premium mattress. Here are the pros of using Pro Nexa foam, which makes it better than memory foam as a material. 

Smart recovery 

The Pro Nexa foam is created for extra resilience and easy recovery of muscles when you sleep and wake up. The Pro Nexa foam is flexible and sensitive to your movements, so it easily adapts to your sleep positions. 

The Pro Nexa foam is one that helps you recover from a high-stress day as it relieves pressure and pain in your muscles and joints. 


Heat dissipation 

The breathability of the Pro Nexa foam is a benefit that is higher than the one found in memory foam mattresses. The breathability of the Pro Nexa foam keeps your mattress cool, so you can catch a nap at any time. Pro Nexa foam layer has 27 percent more heat dissipation ability than normal foam. 

Pro Nexa foam is a layer that keeps your bed cool and airy. Because of the heat dissipation feature, it is a great option for Indian homes. Indian bedrooms can be very difficult to sleep in because of heat and humidity. However, our Nexa Luxury mattress can give you cool comfort in any weather. 


Body conformance

The body conformance of the mattress increases when it has Pro Nexa foam inside it. Because of the flexibility of the Pro Nexa foam layer, the mattress adapts to the sleeping position and helps your body rest. 

It offers great cushioning and conforming ability to the body at rest. The mattress helps you protect your joints and muscles from any pressure or pain issues.

Pressure relief 

The pressure relief ability of a mattress improves when it has a Pro Nexa layer inside it. Pro Nexa foam has 32 per cent more pressure relief ability, so you sleep peacefully for hours and wake up fresh. The Pro Nexa foam layer has a higher pressure relief quotient than a normal memory foam mattress. 

At any room temperature, the Pro Nexa foam stays as it is and gives all the benefits of pain relief and pressure relief to the body. If you have a stressful work schedule every day, it is better to look for a Pro Nexa mattress over a generic memory foam mattress.


Responsive contour hugging

If you are looking for a memory foam mattress because you want a contour-hugging and cushioning mattress, it is best to go for the Pro Nexa Premium or Pro Nexa Luxury mattress, which is fitted with a thick Pro Nexa foam layer. The Pro Nexa foam layer gives a responsive contour-hugging feature to the sleeper as it responds to the body movements of the person. 

The contour of the mattress adapts to the person sleeping, and it feels like a comfortable cocoon for the best quality of sleep. The 3 zoned contour profile of the mattress is also an amazing feature that helps in the even distribution of body pressure. 


Superior support to the spine 

The spine gets superior support from the Pro Nexa foam, which helps keep it straight and cushioned during sleep. Even when you change your sleeping position and shift to a different pose, you can sleep peacefully because the spine remains in its original form. Because of the superior support, the spine remains without any injuries or soreness. You will wake up without any back pain or muscle spasm. 

Because of the multiple features and benefits of the Pro Nexa mattress, it is superior to generic memory foam mattresses. For advanced sleep solutions, you should look at the options we have in the Pro Nexa mattress


At Sleepwell, we have created the best quality mattresses, and we are going ahead with simple memory foam mattresses. If you are thinking of which type of foam is best for a mattress, then memory foam is good, but Pro Nexa foam is best as a wholesome sleep solution. Learn how to choose the right mattress with us.


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